Wed November 15, 2023

By Shelly B Short

Politics State

Readout of the Governor’s Cabinet Meeting

Politics Governor Sanders
Readout of the Governor’s Cabinet Meeting
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Following the Governor’s meeting with her Cabinet, Sanders’ spokeswoman Alexa Henning released the following readout: “Yesterday afternoon, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders held a meeting with her Cabinet secretaries at the Capitol. She began the meeting by discussing food insecurity, which is a pressing problem in Arkansas. She asked her Cabinet secretaries to assist as the Sanders Administration begins an all-of-government approach to combat the issue and emphasized that this will not solely be solved by government, but rather by partnerships between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. The Governor then opened the floor to secretaries Hudson, Profiri, and Oliva, who discussed their agencies’ work to streamline their services to cut costs while maintaining a high level of service for Arkansans. Finally, the secretaries discussed their experiences with the Capital for a Day program, recounting the ways it has helped them connect with constituents and staff on the ground and find new ways to improve their departments.”