Fri December 29, 2023

By Press Release

Rep. Bruce Westerman Weekly Column - December 29
2023 in Review

Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-04)


I was recently asked to summarize 2023 in one word; I had to take a moment to consider the complexities and challenges we faced this year. Initially, I said, “complicated,” but I recognize that because 2023 has not been a simple year, it’s difficult to sum it up in one word. Our nation experienced some trying times this year, but Americans remained resilient. Across the country, hardworking families faced the reality of record-high gas and grocery prices due to crippling inflation, complicated healthcare processes, burdensome federal bureaucracy, and more.


Last fall, I made a commitment, alongside my House Republican colleagues, to bring prosperity and common sense policy-making back to Congress in 2023. Since then, I’ve worked diligently to deliver on that promise by passing legislation to lower costs for hardworking Americans, secure the southern border, and hold the Biden Administration accountable for its onerous federal overreach and woke policies.


At the start of the year, I took the lead alongside Majority Leader Steve Scalise to pass H.R.1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to unleash domestic energy production, boost the American economy, reduce our dependence on foreign adversaries for energy resources, and is estimated to save American families $795 annually. Shortly after H.R. 1’s passage, I voted to pass H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act. This bill is the most robust legislation in recent history to strengthen border security, resume construction of the border wall, and combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking at our borders. Later, we voted on H.R. 5378, the Lower Costs More Transparency Act. This bill addresses the cost of prescription drugs and increases price transparency throughout the healthcare system. The House passed each of these critical pieces of legislation to deliver relief for Americans and improve our national security, but the Senate has yet to follow suit.


I’m also proud to have sponsored and cosponsored critical pieces of legislation that will address specific and direct concerns of Arkansans. I worked with bipartisan Members in the House and Senate to introduce the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act to ensure automakers will continue to offer AM radio as standard equipment in new vehicles. I was proud to take the lead and introduce H.R. 4724, the Child Sex Crimes Victims Protection Act, which ensures that juvenile victims of abuse and trafficking who retaliate against their abusers will have a second chance at life. In hand with conducting oversight on the issue of federal agencies funding abortions, I cosponsored H.R. 8776, bold legislation that will prohibit the use of any federal funds to be used by federal employees to travel to obtain abortions. This is just a handful of the legislation I’ve worked on this year. In 2023, I sponsored and cosponsored 123 pieces of legislation to secure the border, protect children and families, cut back unnecessary spending, and protect the rights of Arkansans. All legislation I’ve sponsored and cosponsored can be found by visiting If you ever have questions about legislation or would like to advocate on behalf of a bill, you may call my office at 202-225-3772 or visit to let me know.


While we passed a multitude of conservative priorities through the House of Representatives, our country needs a Republican-controlled House, Senate, and White House to get our nation back on the right track toward a fiscally responsible state rid of woke ideologies, and in turn, putting lawmaking back into the hands of elected officials rather than at the will of some zealous, unelected bureaucrats.


It is my highest honor to represent Arkansas’ Fourth District in Congress, and it is a privilege I never take for granted. In 2024, I will continue fighting for Arkansas values and common sense solutions in Congress.
