Wed April 08, 2020

By Bren Yocom


Representative Danny Watson Sends Greetings from Arkansas State of the State Address

Governor Hutchinson Representative Danny Watson Arkansas House Of Representatives
Representative Danny Watson Sends Greetings from Arkansas State of the State Address

Representative Danny Watson sends greetings from Jack Stephens Event Center, saying "looking forward to 12 noon gaveling in of the fiscal session. We all are in this together so we do practice safe distance, masks, basically “whatever it takes”!" 

"Doing the work of the people & for the people during these difficult times.  God Bless Arkansas, God Bless America!"

Governor Asa Hutchinson delivered the State of the State address to the 92nd General Assembly ahead of the fiscal session on Wednesday. In order to allow room for sufficient social distancing, the Governor delivered the State of the State address from the Senate Chamber in the State Capitol. Members of the House watched the address virtually from their assembly at the Jack Stephens Center. 
