Mon January 25, 2021

By Shelly B Short

Republican Keith Sullivan Announces Candidacy for Hempstead County Sheriff 2022
Press Release, Keith Sullivan

I am very excited to announce that I will be a Republican candidate for Sheriff of Hempstead county in the 2022 election.

I begin my law-enforcement career in 1979 with the police department and Sheriff's office in Polk County Arkansas. In 1984 I was hired by the Arkansas State Police, and was assigned to Hempstead County in 1986, and have resided here since then.

During my tenure with the Arkansas State Police, I was assigned to the Criminal Division and Drug Enforcement, Highway Patrol Division, and served many years in the Criminal Interdiction Unit. I also served as a firearms instructor and a field training officer, training new state troopers.

I retired from the Arkansas State Police in 2011, and later served for three years with the Hempstead County Sheriff's office. I graduated from the Arkansas Law-Enforcement Training Academy and the Arkansas State Police Training Academy and have many hours of law-enforcement related training, as well as administration experience.

I hope to have the opportunity to serve all the citizens of an Hempstead County as your Sheriff.
