Wed July 19, 2023

By Shelly B Short

ROC Kids on the Go hosts community coffee at chamber

The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce held a community coffee this morning for ROC's KIds on the Go program. The chamber was decorated in a Hawaiian theme with children passing out leis to each local who came to the coffee. Flowers and balloons covered the floor while a faux grass luau skirt draped the front of the tables.

Both sweet and savory refreshments were served; pinwheels, chips, salsa, sausage balls, croissants, sliders with little umbrellas along with Huggies and waters in a blow up tub with a palm tree that added to the motif. Kiddos sat on the floor snacking on goodies as citizens visited about Kids on the Go and local events.

Director Danielle Flemming and ABC teacher, Mya Rivera talked to SWARK.Today about the program at ROC, "Kids on the Go is our summer children's program, ages 5-11 and we just want to give the kids different experiences during the summer. This year we raised money by holding a bake sale where we raised over six -hundred dollars that went towards our trips. Last week, we went to The Mid-America Science Museum in Hot Springs, the kids absolutely loved that and so we just want to get them out from in front of the tablets all summer and expose them to some exciting educational things that this world has to offer," Flemming and Rivera said.

Executive Director of The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce, Christy Burns said, "I love this program. All my children have went to ROC and this will be the first year I don't have one of mine in their class. I recommend ROC to all parents because the kids are truly loved and they learn so much while they are there," Burns said.