Tue January 11, 2022

By Drew Gladden


Rutledge Files Lawsuit Against Florida Man for Fake Shipping Scheme, Defrauding Small Business

Rutledge Files Lawsuit Against Florida Man for Fake Shipping Scheme, Defrauding Small Business

LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge today filed a lawsuit against Corey Shane, a Florida resident, for defrauding an Arkansas business out of money and violating the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (ADTPA). Shane ordered nails from Specialty Nails in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, and requested that arrangements be made with Hopsin Shipping to ship the nails to an address in Mexico. Shane used several credit cards to purchase the nails, then Specialty Nails wired more than $9,000 to Hopsin Shipping for the freight charges. Despite initial approvals, Shane’s credit card payments to Specialty Nails were later rejected as fraudulent, but Hopsin Shipping had already pocketed the $9,000. In actuality, Hopsin Shipping was a fictional company name used by Shane to carry out the shipping scheme and scam unsuspecting small businesses out of money.

“I will not hesitate to take action to protect our small businesses at all costs because they are one of the lifelines of our State’s economy,” said Attorney General Rutledge. “Arkansas businesses rely on shipping companies to operate, and these hard-working families do not deserve to be a victim of a scheme.”

Rutledge is seeking restitution, penalties, an injunction and other costs and fees incurred by the State of Arkansas in resolving this lawsuit. A person who violates the ADTPA can be assessed up to $10,000 per violation.

For more tips to help avoid falling victim to schemes similar to this, or to file a consumer-related claim with the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office, call (800) 482-8982, email [email protected] or visit ArkansasAG.gov.
