Fri March 20, 2020

By Shelly B Short

Daily Devotionals

Salem Baptist Church Temporary Meeting Practices

Daily Devotional Steve Ellison
Salem Baptist Church Temporary Meeting Practices

God is still on His throne.  He is not wringing His hands wondering what to do next.  He is still sovereign over all things including you, me, and COVID-19.  Having acknowledged that, we still face some unique challenges that at the same time present very unique opportunities.

Realizing that it is not possible to please everyone, we had to make some difficult decisions regarding temporary meeting practices.  Several priorities had to be considered:  1. We are commanded in Scripture to obey the duly ordained governments over us, while also not violating the command not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together.  2. We must determine what is the best way to love brothers, neighbors, and enemies.  That is a far more difficult decision than a first glance might indicate.  3. We must remember that the function of the Church is far more important, significant, and weighty than that of businesses, hospitals, government entities, etc. 

Any decision that affects the function of the Church must be very, very carefully considered.  That must be the primary consideration.  God very well may be using this time of extreme uncertainty to cause people to be receptive to the gospel message.  Certainly, secular society has no answers. God has given the answers in His Word. We have the duty and privilege to proclaim it, especially now.

So, having tried to keep up with the latest factual developments and having diligently sought the Lord, it seems best for the current time to adjust our meeting schedule in the following manner until further notice.  Vans will not run. Snacks and meals are cancelled.  Friend Week activities are cancelled.  However, please continue to invite lost people to our services.  Dying from COVID-19 is not the worst thing that can happen to anyone.  Dying without Christ is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.  We need to be sensitive to God’s drawing of lost people in this situation.  We will have a Sunday worship service at 9:00am for households whose last name begins with the letters A-M and an identical service at 11:00am for those households whose last name begins with the letters N-Z.   Everyone will enter through the front door. Greeters will open doors so those surfaces will not be contaminated.  Offering plates will remain on the Communion Table for individuals to give at their convenience before and after the service.  Pews will be disinfected between services. We will have no Sunday evening service.  Wednesday service will be a 6:30 prayer meeting.  Surely, you see the need to pray.

Now is the time to take reasonable precautions but now is not the time to run and hide.  God has always used these types of situations to advance His Kingdom.  As believers, we have been given the privilege of joining Him in His work.  There is no doubt that He is at work now.   The question is: will we join Him?
