Wed July 17, 2024

By Press Release

Sanders Delivers Remarks to the Republican National Convention
MILWAUKEE, Wis. — Today, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered remarks at the Republican National Convention.   Remarks as prepared for delivery:   “Good evening. I’m Sarah Huckabee Sanders.   Before I get started, I want to say I’ve always been proud to stand with President Trump, but never have I been more proud to stand with him than I am right now.   Not even an assassin’s bullet can stop him.   God intervened…   Because America is one nation under God.   And He isn’t finished with President Trump yet.   I’m here tonight as America’s youngest governor, the first woman to lead my state, and, most importantly, a mom of three amazing kids.   When I was President Trump’s White House press secretary, I took my four year old son Huck to Bring Your Kid to Work Day – much like Jill now drags Joe to Bring Your Husband to Work Day.   While I was briefing the President on the event in the Oval Office, all the kids gathered in the Rose Garden to meet him.   As we walked onto the colonnade, I saw out of the corner of my eye that Huck was running full speed directly at the President.   President Trump bent down to give him a big hug and right there in front of everyone, Huck sidestepped the President and ran straight into my arms.   For my four-year-old, the most powerful man in the world had nothing on his mom! But President Trump didn’t mind. After all, he’s a dad to five and a grandfather to ten.   That story is a great reminder of why I support President Trump: not for me, not even for him, but for my kids—and yours.   Under President Trump, America was safer. The world was safer. It felt like the next generation would have a chance at the American Dream.   President Trump did the job that Kamala won’t and Joe Biden simply can’t.   Every American knows we were better off under President Trump, so tonight I don’t want to speak just about President Trump’s successful policies, but about the man that I know.   When the President hired me, I was the first mom and only the third woman to serve as White House Press Secretary.   I endured relentless attacks from the Left. I was insulted as a guest at the White House Correspondents Dinner… My family was denied service and kicked out of a restaurant… A parent at my son’s preschool spit on my car…   It was President Trump who defended me.   And when an MSNBC host, the author of several books on empowering women, said I was unfit to be a mother… And another MSNBC host said I was “vile,” “not even human,” and should be choked…   MSNBC again did nothing…   It was President Trump who pulled me aside, looked me in the eye, and said, “Sarah—you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re tough. They attack you because you’re good at your job.”   That’s the Donald Trump I know and will always respect.   The left doesn’t care about empowering women. Biden and Harris can’t even tell you what a woman is. They only care about empowering themselves.   President Trump believes in empowering every American, and that our country is worth fighting for.   For the last four years, Republican governors have been leading that fight and doing what Joe Biden refuses to do: We deployed National Guard to the border. We cracked down on crime and drugs. We cut taxes to give hard working Americans a break from Bidenflation. We empowered parents with universal school choice.   Donald Trump was the first President in my lifetime to take a hard line against China. And I’m proud to be the first and only governor in the country to kick Communist China off our farmland and out of my state.   We are not called to stand still in the face of great danger. You and I were put on this earth, at this moment in time, to charge boldly ahead.   We can’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future in His hands.   God spared President Trump from that assassin because God isn’t finished with him yet.   He isn’t finished with America yet either.   With God as our Guide, and President Trump back in the White House, we will show the world that America is the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die.”