Tue February 15, 2022

By Bren Yocom


Sanders Hosts Policy Roundtable with Arkansas Education Leaders

Arkansas Education Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Sanders Hosts Policy Roundtable with Arkansas Education Leaders

LITTLE ROCK, AR - Kicking off her series of policy roundtables focused on empowering Arkansans, Sarah Huckabee Sanders sat down with more than a dozen education leaders from across Arkansas to continue the discussion around some of the most pressing issues facing our state in this area: improving childhood literacy, empowering parents, closing the achievement gap, and preparing students for the workforce.

“We must do everything we can to put each child who enters the Arkansas education system on a path to success,” Sanders said. “As governor, I will unleash bold education reforms focused on giving our kids every opportunity to succeed and removing any obstacle that may stand in their way. I will always stand up for our students, empower parents to make the best decisions for their kids, and fight to provide a quality education for every child in our state.”

The group focused on the need for high-quality teachers and teacher training to help improve third grade literacy and make progress on closing the achievement gap. The educators also noted discrepancies in kids’ preparedness upon entering kindergarten and emphasized the need for expanded early learning programs and pre-K.

They also emphasized that parents must be empowered with resources and opportunities to determine what’s best for their children to succeed. The conversation affirmed that all kids need to have access to a high-quality school, and parents must be involved to help them navigate the system and evaluate their options. 

In discussing ways to prepare students for the workforce, some participants highlighted innovative programs from their regions that rely on partnerships with the business community. They emphasized the need to strategically align the programs provided at their schools to better prepare the students for the jobs available in their communities. 

Sanders will also host roundtables with leaders and stakeholders on public safety, economic development, tourism and outdoor recreation, workforce development, and more.
