Mon April 11, 2022

By April Lovette


Sanders Hosts Policy Roundtable With Business And Education Leaders To Discuss Workforce Development

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sarah For Governor
Sanders Hosts Policy Roundtable With Business And Education Leaders To Discuss Workforce Development

LITTLE ROCK, AR – Sarah Huckabee Sanders sat down with business and education leaders from across Arkansas on Friday to discuss workforce development. The group exchanged ideas on building a stronger workforce pipeline, elevating opportunities for employment, and expanding job training programs.

“Investing in workforce development is essential to creating strong businesses and communities across Arkansas,” Sanders said. “When I’m governor, I will foster an environment for businesses to create thousands of higher paying jobs while recruiting and retaining highly skilled workers to strengthen our economic base. Expanding and improving our workforce starts with education, and, as governor, I will invest in skills training education opportunities so students can see many different paths to success. Arkansas workers and businesses are ready for workforce development investments that will take our state to the top, unleashing our full potential.” 

In this series of policy roundtables focused on empowering Arkansans, Sanders has held roundtables on education, tourism and outdoor recreation, and public safety. She will host a roundtable with leaders on economic development in the coming weeks.
