Fri March 04, 2022

By April Lovette


Sanders Hosts Policy Roundtable with Parks, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Leaders Across Arkansas

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sarah For Governor
Sanders Hosts Policy Roundtable with Parks, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Leaders Across Arkansas

Press Release

LITTLE ROCK, AR - Sarah Huckabee Sanders hosted a roundtable yesterday in Bentonville with parks, tourism, and outdoor recreation leaders across Arkansas – the second in her series of policy discussions focused on empowering Arkansans. 

The group exchanged ideas to promote tourism, grow our outdoor economy, and improve quality of life in Arkansas. 

“Arkansas is the Natural State. As governor, I will expand access for all Arkansans to world-class hiking, biking, hunting, and fishing, while unleashing our state's potential to be a leader in tourism and outdoor recreation," Sanders said. "You haven't lived until you float the clear, free flowing waters of the Buffalo River through the Ozark mountains, or watch the sunrise on a duck hunt in flooded green timber. Arkansas offers unparalleled natural beauty and outdoor adventure. We have a great story to tell, and as chief salesperson for Arkansas, I look forward to sharing it with the rest of the country and the world and taking our state to the next level.” 

In this series of policy discussions, Sanders hosted an education policy roundtable and will host policy roundtables with leaders on law enforcement and public safety, economic development, and workforce development, among other topics, in the coming weeks.
