Fri April 29, 2022

By Bren Yocom


Sanders Hosts Policy Rountable with Business Leaders to Discuss Economic Development

Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Sanders Hosts Policy Rountable with Business Leaders to Discuss Economic Development

LITTLE ROCK, AR – Sarah Huckabee Sanders sat down with business leaders from across Arkansas today to discuss economic development as she continues her policy roundtable series focused on empowering Arkansans. The group exchanged ideas on fostering the growth of Arkansas businesses, attracting new companies to the state, and building a stronger workforce pipeline. 

“As governor, I will unleash bold reforms to make Arkansas the best place in the nation to start and grow a business, creating thousands of new, high-paying jobs,” Sanders said. “As Biden's policies continue to hurt the American economy, I will grow our economic base here at home by beginning to responsibly phase out the state income tax, investing in skilled workers, and improving our education system to prepare students for the workforce, not government dependency. A strong economy will create opportunity for all Arkansans and help take our state to the top.” 

Sanders has hosted roundtables on education, tourism and outdoor recreation, workforce development and public safety. She will host roundtables on healthcare and infrastructure, among other topics, in the coming months.
