Fri September 10, 2021

By Shelly B Short

Sanders Launches First TV Ad

LITTLE ROCK, AR - The Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Governor campaign has released its first TV ad, "Who We Are". The ad will debut tomorrow during the Arkansas vs. Texas football game.

Click here to watch the ad.

The release of her first TV ad comes at the end of her 15-stop, weeklong Sarah for Governor Freedom Tour across Arkansas. During the tour, Sarah met with, and answered questions from, thousands of supporters, as well as local media, about important issues facing our great state.

Script: "Who We Are" (:60)

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "I'll never forget being a student at Little Rock Central High and watching my dad - a Republican governor - and Bill Clinton - a Democrat president - hold open the doors for the Little Rock Nine, doors that forty years earlier had been closed to them because they're black.

"Good triumphed over evil.

"That is who we are. 

"The radical left wants to teach our kids America is a racist and evil country, but Arkansans are generous, hard-working people.

"I was born and raised here. This is where we chose to raise our family, and I want the same for my three kids as yours: a better life, here in Arkansas.

"We don't want our kids living under socialism, cancel culture, and big government taking away our freedom.

"As governor, I will defend our freedom and champion good schools, higher paying jobs, and a better life for all."

Voiceover: "Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Governor."
