Sun April 02, 2023

By April Lovette


Sanders’ Request for Major Disaster Declaration Approved by President Biden

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sanders Request For Federal Aid Sanders Major Disaster Request
Sanders’ Request for Major Disaster Declaration Approved by President Biden

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ request for a Major Disaster Declaration from President Joe Biden to support ongoing recovery efforts in communities impacted by the tornadoes on Friday, March 31, was approved today. 

“I’d like to express my thanks to President Biden and our federal partners for their speedy approval of my Major Disaster Declaration request. It’s clear that the damage caused by Friday’s tornadoes is significant and widespread,” said Governor Sanders. “I will continue to work with our first responders, law enforcement, volunteers, and state and local leaders to help Arkansans recover. Arkansas stands strong. I know we will come back from this.”
The Major Disaster Declaration provides Arkansas with the following federal assistance:

- Individual assistance and public assistance categories A and B for Cross, Lonoke, and Pulaski Counties
- Direct federal assistance
- Hazard Mitigation statewide

Readout of the Governor’s Call with the President of the United States

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Following a call with President Joe Biden, Sanders’ spokeswoman Alexa Henning released the following readout:

“This morning, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders and President Joe Biden spoke by phone and discussed the damaging tornadoes and severe weather that moved across Arkansas yesterday. The President expressed his support for the people of Arkansas and emphasized that the federal government stands ready to assist. Governor Sanders thanked the President for the close coordination of his team and for the Administration’s commitment to aiding response and recovery efforts across central Arkansas and in Wynne. The Governor told the President that Arkansans are resilient people and would rebuild stronger than before.”

Readout of the Governor’s Call with the Secretary of Homeland Security

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Following a call with the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Sanders’ spokeswoman Alexa Henning released the following readout:

“This morning, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke by phone with the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to discuss response and recovery efforts in Arkansas, following Friday’s devastating tornados. The Governor thanked the Secretary for his outreach and for his commitment to get the State of Arkansas any resources that are needed quickly. Governor Sanders relayed that she would be touring damage in central Arkansas today and would keep the federal government apprised of any aid requests.”
