Tue October 18, 2022

By April Lovette

Sanders Unveils Arkansas LEARNS


LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Sarah Huckabee Sanders today released her education plan—Arkansas LEARNS—that details what she would do as governor to better educate our kids, empower our parents, and create a more prosperous future for our state, making Arkansas one of the best places to live, work, and raise a family.
“I believe every child growing up in Arkansas should have access to a quality education, a good-paying job, and a better life right here in our state, and I believe Arkansas LEARNS is how together we will achieve it,” Sanders said. “This is a bold plan that will improve access, create greater transparency, offer more flexibility, empower parents, reward good teachers, and ensure no child is ever trapped in a life of poverty or government dependency.”
Arkansas LEARNS prioritizes Literacy, Empowerment, Accountability, Readiness, Networking, and School Safety.
Literacy: Sarah will improve access to quality pre-K and reading coaches for at-risk children. 
Empowerment: Sarah will empower parents with more choices, so no child is ever trapped in a failing school and lifetime in poverty, and curriculum transparency through innovation and online resources.  
Accountability: Sarah will reward good teachers with smart incentives, like higher pay, create a strong pipeline by allowing soon-to-be teachers to spend their entire last year in the classroom, offer alternate certification improvements, and better leadership trainings.
Readiness: Sarah will offer more flexibility to students to pursue internships and apprenticeships while in school, align career and technical programs with jobs that are in high demand, establish a workforce cabinet, and launch a statewide campaign to support the work of technical and trade schools and opportunities that exist for the future workforce.
Networking: Sarah will expand high-speed internet to make educational and career opportunities accessible.
Safety: Sarah will prioritize school safety by focusing on physical security, additional resource officers, mental health, and trainings to implement best practices.
Additional details about Arkansas LEARNS may be found at sarahforgovernor.com/arkansas-learns.
