Fri April 14, 2023

By April Lovette

Sanders vetoes four bills

Sanders' Veto Letter for HB1189

To President Pro Tempore Hester and Speaker Shepherd:

I am returning without my approval House Bill 1189, legislation entitled “An Act to Create the Arkansas Behavior Analyst Licensure Act,” which seeks to create a state-based Behavior Analyst License.

This bill creates unnecessary and overburdensome regulation to Behavior Analysts that practice in the State of Arkansas. Behavior Analysts are already certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board and are subject to regulation. Creating duplicative licenses with new fees attached is additional red tape that does not ensure additional protections for the public. Therefore, I am vetoing this legislation.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Governor of Arkansas

Sanders' Veto Letter for HB1622

To President Pro Tempore Hester and Speaker Shepherd:

I am returning without my approval House Bill 1622, legislation entitled “To Create the Heart Attack Task Force; and To Provide for the Powers and Duties of the Heart Attack Task Force.”

This program is duplicative of pre-existing programs in the State of Arkansas, which exists with the Arkansas STEMI Advisory Council, currently housed in the Arkansas Department of Health. Therefore, I am vetoing this legislation.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Governor of Arkansas

Sanders' Veto Letter for SB509

To President Pro Tempore Hester and Speaker Shepherd:

I am returning without my approval Senate Bill 509, legislation entitled “To Amend the Law Concerning Stipends for Members of the Board of Corrections and to Amend the Law Concerning Stipends for Members of State Boards,” which would raise the stipend for the Arkansas Board of Corrections from $85 to $110.

As Governor, I made a commitment to the State of Arkansas that I would look for ways to reduce government waste and ensure that tax dollars are spent wisely. Elected officials have a responsibility to eliminate unnecessary spending at every level of state government.

Senate Bill 509 carries with it a price tag - an increase which cannot be justified to Arkansas taxpayers. Therefore, I am vetoing this resolution.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Governor of Arkansas

Sanders' Veto Letter for HB1176

To President Pro Tempore Hester and Speaker Shepherd:

Pursuant to Article 6, Section 17 of the Arkansas Constitution, I write to inform you of my disapproval of Section 2, Page 4, Line 21 of House Bill 1176, “An Act for the Department of Corrections – Division of Correction Appropriation for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year.” I have approved the remaining portions of House Bill 1176.

House Bill 1176 contains an appropriation for “Pandemic Related Expenses” in the amount of $5,000,000.

During my first days in office, I terminated several existing Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe in freedom and personal responsibility – not COVID mandates or shutdowns. The COVID-19 pandemic is over.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Governor of Arkansas
