Fri November 12, 2021

By April Lovette


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Receives Endorsement from Governor Hutchinson

Governor Asa Hutchinson Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sarah For Governor
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Receives Endorsement from Governor Hutchinson

LITTLE ROCK, AR — Governor Asa Hutchinson endorsed Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Governor of Arkansas today. 

In a statement, Hutchinson said: “I’ve known Sarah Huckabee Sanders most of her life and know firsthand her love for our state and her heart for public service. Sarah has earned the Republican nomination and I’m delighted today to endorse her for Governor. The state of Arkansas will be in good hands with Sarah as Governor, and she has my full support.”

“I am honored to have the endorsement and full support of Governor Hutchinson. I am thankful for his leadership lowering taxes and laying the foundation for future growth and prosperity. As governor, I will continue to his work to lower and phase out the state income tax and unleash bold, conservative reforms that will create opportunity for all Arkansans.” 
