Fri March 05, 2021

By Shelly B Short


Scout Troop 5 Hiking at Sugar Creek Lodge

Scout Troop 5 Hiking Camping
Scout Troop 5 Hiking at Sugar Creek Lodge

The last weekend in February Scout Troop 5 of Hope camped at Sugar Creek Lodge at Wolf Pen Gap east of Mena. The resort laws on either side of the scenic Cossatot River.

Clearwater, waterfalls and rapids provided a pleasant setting for the scouts. Staying in cabins, 14 scouts completed the 14 mile Rich Mountain Hike from the base of the mountain to Queen Wilhelmina State Lodge at the top.

Those completing the 7 to 8 hour hike were:
Hunter Mathis, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Joshua Henley, Senior Patrol Leader, Riley Golden, Baker Alexander, Mary Martinez, McKenzie Golden, D'Aunna Golden, Emma Wright, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Chris Golden, Jay Johnson, Zoey Fincher, Jennifer Martinez, Drake Mathis, Donnie Golden.

To honor 2 scale Scouts that passes away recently, the Rich Mountain Hikers carried two walking sticks. One belonging to scoutmaster J.W. Rowe and the Eagle Walking stick belonging to George Norrell. You can see them held up in the group picture.

These scouts earned through your gold 50th anniversary Rich Mountain High Patch.

Other scales were Jessilyn Schmid, Kody O'Brien, Jerrilynn Golden, Tina Kisselburg, Kevin O'Brien, Robert Wright, Dr. Lester Sitzes and Scoutmaster Karen Smith.

Meals under the supervision of Donnie Golden and Scoutmaster Karen Smith were hotdogs and smoked chicken with rolls.

Troop five is sponsored by Hope's First United Methodist Church's Century Bible Class.
