Mon February 13, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters


Senator Tom Cotton: 'President owes the American people an explanation' for objects spotted in sky

Sen Tom Cotton Chinese Spy Balloon Aleutian Islands Justin Trudeau
Senator Tom Cotton: 'President owes the American people an explanation' for objects spotted in sky

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement calling on President Biden to address the nation and provide answers on the “objects” that have violated American airspace:

“After allowing a Chinese spy balloon to fly across America when we could’ve downed it off the Aleutian Islands, President Biden has now downed three ‘objects’ despite claiming last week that [they] would’ve posed unacceptable risks to public safety. The president owes the American people an explanation, direct and on camera, of what we know about these ‘objects’ and what steps he’s taking to protect America’s sovereign airspace. Justin Trudeau did that, so surely Joe Biden can. No commander-in-chief should hide behind press secretaries and anonymous sources in a time of crisis.”
