Thu June 08, 2023

By April Lovette


Senators Cotton, Kelly, Vance Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Boost Domestic Manufacturing and Strengthen Supply Chains

Senator Tom Cotton Mark Kelly Jd Vance Onshore Act
Senators Cotton, Kelly, Vance Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Boost Domestic Manufacturing and Strengthen Supply Chains

Washington, D.C. — Senators Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), Mark Kelly (D-Arizona), and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) today introduced the ONSHORE Act, bipartisan legislation that will help bring critical supply chains back to America by assisting communities of all sizes with the site development needed to attract manufacturing facilities.

The U.S. faces a shortage of shovel-ready sites with the necessary infrastructure and workforce for companies to quickly begin construction on new manufacturing facilities. The ONSHORE Act creates a Critical Supply Chain Site Development Grant Program within the Economic Development Administration, which would assist communities, including small towns and tribal communities, with site development to attract manufactures from critical industries to build new facilities in their area.

“We cannot rely on other countries like China for our essential technologies. The technologies of tomorrow should be tested, researched, and made in America. This legislation will help make the necessary investments in our communities to make that possible,” said Senator Cotton.

“As we work to bring manufacturing supply chains for critical industries from microchips to critical minerals back to America, we have to maximize this opportunity by making sure there are enough sites with the infrastructure and workforce needed for new facilities. For a lot of small towns and tribal communities, the biggest barrier to attracting investment is the cost of getting sites ready for development. We’re working to fix that, which will boost manufacturing and create good-paying jobs in every corner of our states and the country,” said Senator Kelly.

“As our nation takes the necessary steps to reshore critical supply chains and spur innovation, everyone in America should reap the rewards. This bill would deploy capital broadly to ensure the foundations of tomorrow’s industry and growth are laid in underdeveloped regions. If enacted, it will deliver good-paying jobs, build vibrant communities, and strengthen supply chains—in Ohio and around the country,” said Senator Vance.

Bill text may be found here.


  • Disinvestment in manufacturing and offshoring of industrial capabilities has left the U.S. vulnerable to supply chain shocks. Strengthening domestic manufacturing capabilities, especially for industries of the future, is critical for economic and national security. As companies rebuild their supply chains, there is a significant opportunity to revive the industrial base of regions throughout the country. 

  • A primary factor affecting where a new manufacturing facility is built is whether a site has the basic infrastructure (like road access or water and power utility hookups) and workforce to enable a company to quickly begin construction on a facility and hire enough qualified talent to begin operations. The U.S. shortage of shovel-ready sites jeopardizes opportunities to boost domestic manufacturing and build resilient supply chains.

  • The EDA’s Critical Supply Chain Site Development Grant Program would support site and utility readiness, workforce development, distribution, and logistics, to prepare strategic and regionally impactful sites for new industrial investment, including in rural and tribal communities, and regions with high unemployment. This dedicated funding would enable the U.S. to prepare sites where companies can rapidly scale to begin construction of new domestic manufacturing facilities, better positioning the U.S. to compete against adversaries like China.  
