Thu December 17, 2020

By Shelly B Short

Sheriff Adds New Vehicle To Fleet
A Tribute to All Hempstead County Men and Women who Gave All in Service to our Country

Sheriff James Singleton rolled out the newest addition to his fleet Friday a 2020 F-150 that replaced a wrecked vehicle in November. The truck was purchased with the proceeds from the insurance settlement.

Instead of the normal graphics applied to the sheriff's vehicle Sheriff Singleton and a group of Hempstead County Veterans donated the funds to outfit the new patrol vehicle with graphics honoring the sacrifice of our Hempstead County Servicemen, in all $1,327.00 was raised to complete the project.

Sgt. Michael Braddock along with help from county 309's installed all the graphics and equipment in the truck, saving the sheriff's office over $1,000.00 in installation cost's. I am so proud of Sgt. Braddock and the work he has done with this truck making sure it was completed with the utmost care. This patrol vehicle will be the sheriff's office rolling tribute to our fallen Hero's from Hempstead County.

The truck will be assigned to Deputy Derick Bunn who also serves in the Arkansas National Guard in the Hope Unit.
