We're Streaming!

Mon April 18, 2022

By April Lovette


Spring Hill FCCLA alumni game, auction, and dinner to raise funds for Nationals

Spring Hill Fccla Spring Hill Alumni Game Spring Hill Auction And Dinner Spring Hill Fundraiser
Spring Hill FCCLA alumni game, auction, and dinner to raise funds for Nationals

From Spring Hill FCCLA:

Please Help our Spring Hill Arkansas FCCLA! These girls have all worked hard and earned a trip to compete in Nationals in San Diego! Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (used to be FHA for us old gals)!

Things planned this weekend..
-Alumni Game Saturday @ 6! Old vs New... who still has it?

Also, a personal favorite...
Sunday is a Chicken and Dressing Dinner and auction at the Spring Hill Cafeteria...Drive through available...this is the BEST Dressing ever! Swing through after church, grab lunch and make a donation! These hard working kids would really appreciate it!
