Spring Hill graduates 24 in Hempstead Hall commencement Monday night

Emily Rose Curtis gives the Valedictory Address during the Spring Hill High graduation Monday night. Still taken from a video by Hempstead Hall staff.

Seniors from Spring Hill High School graduated tonight on the stage of University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana's Hempstead Hall.

The ceremonies began with a processional. Graduates and school officials marched to their places on stage as childhood and present day photos of prospective graduates were shown by projection onto a screen just above the audience's view of the ceremony as music played.

The National Anthem was sung by Arnetta Bradford, and the Invocation was given by Eric Fisher, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church. High School Superintendent Peter Maggio provided a welcome and spoke to the assemblage.

A detailed rundown of the seniors' future plans was given by Heidi Marshall, the school's college and career counselor.

Then followed the Salutatory Address by Alyssa Renee Britton. Valedictorian Emily Rose Curtis gave the Valedictory.

After these speeches came the Presentation of Roses, during which seniors came off stage and gave long-stemmed roses to family and friends present in the audience. The video of childhood and present day photos ran while a recording of Mark Harris singing "Find Your Wings" played.

When the seniors reconvened on stage ten minutes later, the Presentation of Diplomas began with Tom Wilson, Spring Hill Schools superintendent presiding. The actual Conferring of Diplomas by Maggio took place, with the new graduates now able to move their tassells from left to right and to fling their mortorboards toward the rafters. And that they did.

For the full story of Spring Hill High's 2022 Graduation, stay logged in to SWARK.Today for our special print Graduation Edition.

  • Spring Hill High Principal Peter Maggio welcomes the seniors and their loved ones. Still taken from a video by Hempstead Hall staff.

  • Spring Hill High's College and Career Counselor Heidi Marshall describes the seniors' future plans. Still taken from a video by Hempstead Hall staff.

  • Salutatorian Alyssa Renee Britton gives her address. Still taken from a video by Hempstead Hall staff.
