Spring Hill Tops Blevins 24-8
Spring Hill- The Jr. Bears played host to the Blevins Hornets Monday night in Blevins’ first game of their inaugural season. The Jr. Bears would strike early and take an early 8-0 lead on a TD from Levi Askew. Henry Townsend would punch in another TD right before half to make it 16-0. Blevins RB Kaden Powell would break a long 79-yard TD run to bring the score to 16-8. In the 4th, the Jr. Bears would score again as Brandon Martin ran one in the endzone to bring the score to 24-8. Great defense from Spring Hill all game and the Hornets played extremely well as both of these teams have a lot of talented players on the field. Should be a great remainder of the season for both teams. Spring Hills Levi Askew had a great game as he totaled 118 yards and a TD on 7 carries and made many plays on defense. Henry Townsend added 44 yards on the ground and a TD. Brandon Martin had 4 carries for 60 yards and a TD. Both teams were perfect on 2pt attempts as Spring Hill was 3/3 and Blevins was 1/1. Kaden Powell of Blevins played great on both sides of the ball, as he had a 79-yard TD and made many plays on defense. Hunter Hampton and Jaxon Hinton had INTs for the Hornets. On Sept. 22 the Jr. Bears travel to Hermitage for their next game. Blevins will take on Cossatot River in Dierks on Sept. 26. 