Hope Public Schools Communications
On Wednesday, August 24, Hope Public Schools SRO Corporal Justin Dean talked with students at HAPS about starting a Junior Trap Shooting Club. Nearly 40 students, each over the age of 12, listened to information and asked questions. Trap season starts in February or March, according to Dean. Students must have already taken or will take the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's Hunter’s Education course before they can participate.
“Right now, we will not know what day trap practice will be because we will have to meet with the other (trap) coaches in the area,” Dean said.
HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke told the students, “This will require an out-of-class commitment from you.” In addition to practices, there are financial obligations for participation as well. These include the price of boxes of shells, the cost of a shotgun, and travel expenses.
Students interested in taking part wrote their names on a sign-up sheet and HAPS administration will work with Corporal Dean to contact parents and/or to provide more information for students to take home to parents.