Mon February 03, 2020

By Shelly B Short


State Board of Finance to Hold 2nd Quarter Meeting

Governor Hutchinson Arkansas Politics Politics
State Board of Finance to Hold 2nd Quarter Meeting

LITTLE ROCK– The State Board of Finance will hold its regular quarterly meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2020.

Details are as follows:

WHAT:             FY 2020 Second Quarter Regular Board Meeting

WHEN:            Tuesday, February 4, 2020

                          10 a.m.

WHERE:         Treasurer’s Office Conference Room

                          Victory Building 

                          1401 W. Capitol, Suite 275

                          Little Rock, AR 72201

DETAILS:       Regular quarterly meeting of the State Board of Finance to conduct routine                                      business as follows:

  1. Presentation of the Treasury Investment Performance Report

  2. Approval of Quarterly Motions

  3. Consideration of other business as may appear necessary or desirable
