Mon January 27, 2020

By Dillan Kelsey


Students Make Fleece Blankets for AR Children's Hospital

Students Make Fleece Blankets for AR Children's Hospital
The 6th Grade students from the Hope Academy of Public Service (HAPS) came together this weekend to do a good deed by creating hand crafted fleece blankets for the young patients at Arkansas Children's Hospital, as well as for Valentines Day. This activity has become a yearly event and the school does this in partnership with the hospital to show support for the ones who need it the most.

The event began Saturday morning with smiles and bundles of fleece material donated by local citizens. The children worked hard from 8 am to noon making these cozy blankets for the children at ACH. The project idea was brought to the schools attention by Shannon Hawthorne and this marks their third year of participating in the cause. Photos of the students taking part in the project are presented below. HAPS was thankful for the support for the project and hopes to keep doing it for the years to come.
