Tue April 27, 2021

By Jordan Woodson

SWARK Today Welcomes Jordan Woodson to the Team

SWARK Today is adding a new reporter, Jordan Woodson, to join our growing team. Woodson will be in charge of reporting on everyday coverage of our community. He is a graduate of Cabot High School and The University of Arkansas at Little Rock where he graduated in December with a degree in Journalism and Political Science. He got his start in journalism working for Cabot High School's broadcast network and yearbook. At UA-Little Rock he worked as the editor of the campus newspaper, The Forum, and this previous summer worked as an intern for the Searcy Daily Citizen.

Jim Hawley, President of SWARK Today, is especially excited about welcoming Woodson to the team.

“I am pleased that we were able to find someone with journalism experience to join our team as a reporter," he said. "Woodson brings a fresh eye on our community and plenty of talent to the table. He certainly fits the vision of our company to bring the news to our community accurately and efficiently.”

Bren Yocom, General Manager, is also enthusiastic about bringing Woodson on board.

“I am extremely excited to have Jordan become a part of our company," she said. "His knowledge of journalism, ability to write and leadership background makes him a perfect fit for SWARK Today. He is very eager to learn about all the new exciting things happening in our community, as well as getting to know the people that make those things possible. He has amazing ideas that will help us continue our mission in being even more productive in bringing Hempstead and Nevada Counties breaking news more proficiently."

Be looking for Jordan at your community coffees, ribbon cuttings and other community events and help us welcome him to the team!
