Tue April 16, 2024

By Press Release

The Language of Heaven
The Spirit of God is waking people up as we speak. All over the world a fresh wave of urgency and intentionality is sweeping dark places; places/homes/neighborhoods/cities that once had no Gospel access. We are seeing groups come together to fan this flame. This is happening all over the world and it is happening right here in Hope, AR. We’ve seen the fruit of leaders gathering to pray and seek the Lord’s guidance for our churches. And God is just getting started! Let me ask you a question I heard asked this week: What are you doing right now that is more important than giving yourself to the work of taking the Gospel to the lost? For the church, the work of discipleship is paramount. We do a lot of things. Our goal is to speak to every area of life and model truth and faithfulness in every one of those areas. But if we aren’t carrying that out in a way that invites the lost to question and participate, we are participating in a hopeless plan. It’s not ministry for us to do our work and live our lives behind closed doors. It’s not faithfulness, it’s selfishness. Ministry begins to happen when we begin to put ourselves aside for the sake of the Gospel; for the sake of seeing disciples made on every continent and in every country. 

There is a sense in the human mind that says “That room is full. I think I’ll choose another one. Why wrestle for a spot?” But that is not the mind of God! We see in God a plan to redeem every single person on earth. That includes all those who are bound up in empty religions, atheism, unimaginable sin and even those who curse Him. God never looks at a Muslim country and thinks I wish things were different there. Oh well!” A little history…do you know why Islam spread so quickly when Mahommed first introduced it? It wasn’t because it made sense. There were all types of contradictions in his teaching and writings. It spread because it had no opposition. Where were the Christians? They were quiet. By the time Islam was introduced, the church had been the official religion of the Empire for around 300 years. That meant no persecution. Their challenges were doctrinal, not physical. It became fashionable to be Christian. A hierarchy appeared in the church. Church fights began to happen. Division occurred. The church began to think more about itself and less about a lost world. The enemy seized the opportunity and introduced Islam…and it grew basically unopposed for several hundred years. 

The very same thing is happening today! For the last 100 years the church in America has been lulled to sleep by money and buildings and status. We think we are being persecuted when people don’t like us or make fun of our beliefs. While we are debating the style of music we should sing or the best church building design, the enemy is growing an army of confused followers, bound by mysticism, animism, and Me-ism. We wonder how to reach this generation. That question needed to be answered by the last generation. We need to be asking how we can reach the next generation of seekers. 

But God is not deterred; He will not be swayed from His position of sending His Church out to reach the world. If we choose to be silent, He will send others. Do you realize other countries are now sending missionaries to the US? The world is coming to us and more often than not, we aren’t positioning ourselves to make disciples. 

I heard a quote this week I think is worth repeating. “If what you are living for is not worth dying for, is it worth living for?” What is the main objective of your life? The most effective tool for disciple making is relationships. Who has God already placed in your life that is ready to hear the Gospel? I’m suggesting you can be most useful to the Kingdom by engaging lost people on their level. No extensive training is required. You don’t have to quit your job to do this. In fact, I believe many times God has placed you in your field for this purpose! The question is will you spend your days on God’s agenda or your own? Will you speak or be silent? For many, eternity hangs in the balance. 

The language of Heaven isn’t mystical or dramatic. It is filled with love and shaped by obedience. Can you say the same about your speech?
