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Fri September 08, 2023

By April Lovette

Announcements Community Business

Train derailment near East Division and North Hazel; Take alternate route

Train Derailment
Train derailment near East Division and North Hazel; Take alternate route
A train derailment that took place early this morning at the railroad crossing of East Division and North Hazel is blocking traffic. About a dozen cars left the track. Workers from Union Pacific are currently working to clear them and open the track again.

Streets that run east-west are blocked from East Avenue A north to Dairy Street.  West Commerce is clear.

Hope City Manager J.R. Wilson said the derailment was reported to the city's Street Department at 5:40 a.m. at which point Union Pacific said it needed to send its investigators in prior to working to clear the train from the track. Wilson was not given a time table for when the train would be cleared from the street crossings.

As to whether any chemicals have linked from the cars, Wilson said, "We were notified that the train cars were empty, nothing of concern on them."
