Tue October 13, 2020

By Bren Yocom


Troop 5 Conducts Wilderness Survival Camp

Scout Troop 5
Troop 5 Conducts Wilderness Survival Camp

L to R. Donnie Golden, D'Aunna Golden, Robert Wright, Emma

Wright, Hunter Mathis, Jay Johnson, Baker Alexander, Joshua Henley, Drake

Hargis, Clarence Mayberry.

Hope's Troop 5 held their Wilderness Survival Camp October 9-11. The
Survival Class was camped on the bank of Bodcaw Creek at the Lester Sitzes
Farm located at Shover Springs. A Base camp of younger Scouts was set up on the Sitzes Farm pond a 20 minute walk away.

Survival camp activities included starting fires without matches, making
fire starters with cotton balls, Vaseline, dryer lint and paraffin wax. Finding and using rich pine for fire starting. Making open air shelters and sleeping under the stars for two nights, shooting squirrels, catching fish, cooking and eating them.

Also the proper use of knives, axes and saws. Dealing with insects and field
mice in the campsite, debating whether to cook a snake that was bagged by
the squirrel hunters. Water conservation and Leave No Trace principles were followed.

The Survivors made a spit rotisserie over a fire pit and cooked a hog
shoulder donated to the camp by Jonathan Smith.

This was the first time Troop 5 had female participants in the Survival

Survivors were:  Emma Wright and D'Aunna Golden, first females to take the course; Joshua Henley and Baker Alexander. Staff were Hunter Mathis, Senior Patrol Leader; Clarence Mayberry and Drake Hargis, Assistant Scoutmasters. Adult leaders were Donnie Golden, Robert Wright and Jay Johnson.

At the Base Camp Mackenzi Golden, Drake Mathis, Kody O'Brien and Riley
Golden were led by Karen Smith, Scoutmaster; Lester Sitzes, Donald Sitzes
and Jonathan Smith.

Guests included Ronnie Smith, Heather Smith, Sydney Smith, Chris Golden,
Marilyn Sitzes, Ricky Smith, Jackson Golden, Sara and Kevin O'Brien, Kaden
O'Brien, Jaci Johnson and Laurie Mathis.

The Scouts used their new fire starters to build a fire, went on a nature
hike led by Dr. Sitzes and worked on Scout Rank requirements learning to tie various knots and what they are used for.

Jonathan Smith donated a 900 pound hog to the campout. Half of a shoulder
was cooked at the Survival Camp. The rest was cooked on two largesmokers at the Base Camp.

Troop 5 is sponsored by the Century Bible Class of Hope's First United
Methodist Church.
