Troop 5 Retires American Flags

(L to R): Emma Wright, D'Aunna Golden, Drake Mathis is in background, Lotus Schmid, Karen Smith, Riley Golden, Melody Martinez, Makenzi Golden, Mary Martinez, Kody O'Brien, Donnie Golden, Billy Roe and

Dr. Lester Sitzes.

Troop 5 has been retiring American Flags recently. They are using the outdoor fire pit built by the Goldens and Scouts for an Eagle Project.  The properly prepared flags are burned and the grommets are saved for ceremonial
purposes. So far about 50 flags have been retired. Scoutmaster Karen Smith and Senior Patrol Leader Emma Wright are supervising the project. Troop 5 is sponsored by the Century Bible Class of Hope's First United Methodist Church.

Preparing the flags
