Thu October 01, 2020

By Dillan Kelsey


Troop 5 Scouts Honor Eagle Scout George Norrell at His Funeral

Scout Troop 5 George Norrell Eagle Scouts
Troop 5 Scouts Honor Eagle Scout George Norrell at His Funeral

Troop 5 Scouts gathered from around the state to honor their Eagle Scout
George Norrell at his funeral Saturday, September 26th.  George was 21 years old and died as a passenger in an automobile accident between Crossett and Hamburg where he lived and worked.

He was an exceptional Scout and young man.  Troop 5 served as honorary pallbearers for the graveside service. His father Jimmy Don Norrell wrote a message that was read for family, friends and Scouts about his dedication to Troop 5 and Scouting. Troop 5 gave their brother George a formal group salute.

His mother Christy drove George on the 6 hour round trip from Hamburg to Hope numerous times to attend the weekly meetings, campouts, work on service projects and construction of the Harlan Scout Center.

10 Troop 5 Eagle Scouts came to pay their respects plus another 19 Scouts and Troop guests made the trip.

Attending were: Picture L to R (Front Row): Scott McCorkle, Ed Flagg, Nathan Phillips, Sydney Smith, Karen Smith, Hunter Mathis, Andrew Blaylock, Drake Hargis, Heather Smith.

(Second Row) Les Patterson, Sandra Patterson, Tina Kisselburg, Matthew Methvin, Bobby Johnson, Jordan Laughard, Darin Laughard, Luke Methvin, David Beck, Jonathan Smith.

(Third Row) Jay Johnson, Elizabeth Bunker, Tristan Bunker, Gillian Waters, Sam Waters, Bonita Laughard, Clarence Mayberry.

Not pictured: Andrew Withers, Jim Bob Withers, Dr. Lester Sitzes

Troop 5 is sponsored by the Century Bible Class of Hope's First United Methodist Church.
