Darin, Bonita, and Eagle Scout Jordan Laughard were gracious hosts for the three-day event. Donnie Golden supervised the meals, which included lots of smoked chicken and pork on Saturday, followed by fajitas the next evening.
Also in attendance were: Eagle Scout D'Aunna Golden, Senior Patrol Leader; Eagle Scout Emma Wright, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster; Drake Mathis, Makenzie Golden, Eagle Scout Riley Golden, Assistant Scoutmaster; Kianna Martin, Eagle Scout Andrew Golden, Harper McMahan, Will Sitzes, Dakota Greer, David and Beverly Bunker, Donnie and Jerrilynn Golden, Robert and Betty Wright, William and Amanda Greer, Eagle Scout Wylie Litchford and Taylor, Ed Flagg, Dr. Lester Sitzes, and Karen Smith, Scoutmaster.
There will be another Total Solar Eclipse in Arkansas on August 12th, 2025, but to experience a Total Eclipse as dark as this one, you will need to wait 217 years.