Wed August 05, 2020

By Shelly B Short


U of A Hope-Texarkana Announces Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year

U of A Hope-Texarkana Announces Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year
Casey Curtis

HOPE-TEXARKANA, AR – August 5, 2020

Each year the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana honors an outstanding faculty member. UAHT is proud to announce that this year’s winner is Melanie Dillard. Dillard has been employed at the College for twelve years and currently serves as an Academic Skills and Math Instructor and as the Distance Learning Coordinator.

According to her nomination letters, Melanie is outstanding in so many areas.She is diligent in her work as an instructor and is always willing to lend a helping hand wherever needed. In her role as the Distance Learning Coordinator, she interacts with every faculty member and has never failed to help when Blackboard tries to get the best of us. She is that way with everything she does. Melanie is an active member of the Faculty Senate and is willing to do the things that need to be done to make UAHT great. She has put in so much time, as have countless others, during this COVID-19 crisis to make sure her UAHT students and faculty are successful. Melanie is thoughtful and insightful and most deserving of this recognition. In short, she is a rock star!

Please join the UAHT family in thanking Melanie Dillard for her dedication to serving students at the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana.

  • Pictured left to right: Amanda Maggio-Ritter, English Instructor; Ginny Witcher, Nursing Instructor; and Chris Thomason, UAHT Chancellor
