Mon September 18, 2023

By Press Release

UAHT Enrollment Largest Since 2019
HOPE/TEXARKANA, AR – September 18, 2023


The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana welcomed 1,292 students this semester. This number represents a 9% increase over the previous year and the college’s largest fall enrollment since 2019.


“We are thrilled with the positive trajectory in enrollment,” said UAHT Chancellor Dr. Christine Holt. “As rural community colleges across the nation continue to struggle with decreasing enrollment, this increase is a testament to the hard-working faculty and staff at UAHT who continue to put students first. Our collaborative and innovative efforts in how we serve students equate to their success as they enter the workforce or transfer to a four-year university.”


Among the factors contributing to rising enrollment is an increase of 24% in high school student enrollment through concurrent credit, the Hope and Arkansas High Collegiate Academies, and the Secondary Career & Technical Education Center. The college also experienced a 28% increase in students transferring to UAHT from other institutions.


“More students are beginning to see the value of attending a community college,” Holt said. “We strive to keep tuition and fees affordable, and with the addition of many scholarships and the Hempstead Guarantee along with Arkansas state scholarships and in-state tuition for border county residents, a college education at UAHT is one of the greatest values in higher education. Our innovative early college high school programs, technical training programs, health professions programs, and world-class general education transfer degrees provide a bridge to the future for every student.”


For more information about the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana, call 870-777-5722 or visit today.