The Fine Arts Class stops for a pic in front of this sculpture while taking an artistic tour of the UAHT campus
The UAHT Kids’ College completed their first week at Hempstead Hall with plenty of education, culture, and fun. Around 115 students were in attendance with first and second graders in the morning classes and third and fourth graders in the afternoon set. Lessons about science, fine art, and robotics are just a few of the subjects in which the mini college-goers participated. Students could be seen making volcanoes, directing robotics, taking fine art tours, constructing creative designs, and much more. Most of all, the kids were having a wonderful time with these hands-on learning activities. Program partners such as the Southwest Arkansas Arts council, Hope Public Schools, the U of A Extension office, and the Hempstead County Library assist UAHT in providing kids with this summer enrichment program which focuses on education and creativity. Next week’s Kids’ College will have the fifth and sixth grade classes. More information about Kids’ College and other kids’ programs from UAHT can be found on the UAHT website

First and second grade classes

Third and fourth grade classes
Kids' College group pics courtesy of Katie Daniels