Thu May 07, 2020

By Bren Yocom

Upcoming 4-H Events and Information

News Release Terrie James, CEA-Staff Chair 5/7/20

Little Rock - The Cooperative Extension Service in Little Rock has continued to monitor the COVID-19 situation and its effects on the 4-H program in the upcoming months. We have paid close attention to the Governor, his health officials and the CDC recommendations. We know that it has been difficult to wait while we make major decisions, as it has been difficult for us to make these decisions when changes happen daily. As we have said, our utmost goal is to keep the safety and well-being of you and our volunteers in mind.

Because of agent feedback, CDC, state government, and Extension guidelines, we will suspend most state 4-H events through June 30, 2020. Events may be rescheduled, cancelled, or held in a virtual format. For those held virtually, they will naturally be very different than what we are accustomed to, and we are aware of the difficulty some 4-H families have with Internet access and connecting virtually. We will do all we can to accommodate as many members as possible. Rules will be forthcoming from the state staff on what to expect. Please keep in mind any events marked postponed may eventually be cancelled. All events which have been paid will be refunded.

Event Status & State Office Contact

  • Jr. & Sr. Shooting Sports Championships Postponed Jesse Bocksnick

  • Poultry BBQ Contests Postponed Scharidi Barber

  • Grasslands Contest Postponed John Jennings

  • AR Show Camp Potentially held with social distancing (TBD) Chelsey Kimbrough

  • District & State Horse Shows Potentially held with social distancing (TBD) Mark Russell

  • Teen Leader Conference (TLC) Virtual Ashley Dingman

  • District O-Rama Virtual – Project Showcase Priscella Thomas-Scott

  • State O-Rama Virtual - Will attempt to schedule team event competitions in the Fall if the competition is a qualifier for a national event. Recognition & officer elections will be included. Priscella Thomas-Scott

  • Livestock Skillathon TBD Chelsey Kimbrough

  • Livestock Quiz Bowl TBD Chelsey Kimbrough

  • State 4-H Livestock Judging TBD Chelsey Kimbrough

  • 4-H Overnight Camps Virtual offerings – TBD – July/August Camps Creenna Bocksnick

  • High Adventure Postponed – TBD Creenna Bocksnick

  • Horse Packing Training Postponed – TBD Creenna Bocksnick

  • Vet Science Camp Virtual Heidi Ward Forestry Contest Cancelled Kyle Cunningham

  • Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) Cancelled Becky McPeake

  • 4-H Food Challenge Cancelled Amanda Welch

Cancelled or Postponed National 4-H Events

  • 4-H Conference - Postponed

  • Seaperch International – Cancelled

  • National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships – Cancelled

  • Citizenship Washington Focus – Postponed

  • WHEP National Contest – Cancelled

  • 4-H Forestry Invitational - Cancelled

  • Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships – Cancelled

Arkansas 4-H will make an announcement on June 30 on future events not listed. As you offer county 4-H events this summer, please concentrate on the educational benefits rather than the competitive nature of the events. Positive youth development is what we strive for in 4-H, not who wins or loses a competition. We have not taken these difficult decisions lightly and are working to make the best choices we can while keeping you and our members in our focus. If you have specific questions about an event, please contact the specialist in charge of the event.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution.La Universidad de la División de Sistemas de Arkansas de Agricultura es un / igualdad de acceso institución acción de igualdad de oportunidades / afirmativa.
