Tue November 07, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Announcements Community Events

Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony to be held in Hope Friday, Saturday

Veterans Day Parade Veterans Day Ceremony Lions Club
Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony to be held in Hope Friday, Saturday
Beginning at 4:00 p.m.Friday November 10th a parade will roll through downtown Hope to celebrate Veterans Day. Planners say about 71 groups have registered to be a part of the procession. Then on Saturday, November 11th, starting at 11:00 a.m., a ceremony to honor veterans will happen in front of the old Hempstead County Courthouse and a lunch free to veterans and their spouses will be served.

The parade will take the route starting on Elm Street in front of the Hempstead County Library and move north into the downtown area. Grand marshals of the parade will be Colonel David A. Lively, who has served in the U.S. Army and the National Guard, and Army Sergeant and American Legion Post Commander Herbert Ross. Both served in the Vietnam War.

After the ceremony on Saturday, a meal will be served of fried catfish prepared and served by the Hope Lions Club and other volunteers. There will be no cost for the meal for veterans and their spouses. Everyone else is welcome to a meal, served with a choice of tea or water, for $10.

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