Thu September 03, 2020

By Dillan Kelsey

Virtual Student Help Periods Set
by Ken McLemore - Hope Public Schools

HOPE – Hope High School students studying via Hope from Home Virtual Academy will have access to specific teacher conference periods weekly for questions and to resolve problems beginning Sept. 10.
HHS Principal Bill Hoglund said the system is designed to help both parents and students.
“Teachers are setting up office hours for students and parents,” Hoglund said. “Each period during the day on Thursday and Friday teachers will establish their office hours, and they will be posted in Lincoln Learning, and we hope to get it on the website.”
He said teachers will be able to access a student’s device screen remotely to provide them assistance.
“Beginning next week, teachers will be able to view a student’s computer screen through GoGuardian, and help them navigate through the program, or answer any questions a parent or student may have,” Hoglund said.
He said teacher contact information, including email and telephone extension number, will be posted for ease of access.
“We will gauge the success of this effort through documentation and see which direction we need to go after the first week,” Hoglund said.
