Thu September 16, 2021

By April Lovette


Vote for Historic Downtown Hope in the America's Main Streets Contest!!

Historic Downtown Hope Downtown Hope Main Street Hope Hope Main Street Contest
Vote for Historic Downtown Hope in the America's Main Streets Contest!!

Historic Downtown Hope has been nominated as an entry in the America's Main Streets Competition! The goal of this contest is to promote the importance and economic benefits of Main Streets, as well as the small businesses which help them flourish and shine. This contest has towns from all over the nation and the first place prize is $25,000. That would provide a great deal of support for all the hard work and plans preparing to take place in the downtown area.

CLICK HERE to vote for Historic Downtown Hope. Contest rules say you can vote 25 times a day per IP address. Start getting your votes in now. The deadline for quarterfinalist voting is November 7th and semifinalist voting December 12th. The winner of the America's Main Streets Contest will be announced December 20th.

Vote for Historic Downtown Hope HERE!
