Washington Historical Marker Unveiled

The new historical marker for Washington was unveiled today in a ceremony which included representatives from organizations such as the Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee, the city of Washington, Historic Washington State Park, and more. The marker, placed in front of the Old Washington Farmers Market Pavilion, is one of fifteen which will be placed in communities around the county. Each marker will contain a brief history of the community's establishment and importance. The markers are funded by support from Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee and the Hempstead County Historical Society.

Josh Williams, Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee member and Curator for Historic Washington State Park, said today was picked for the unveiling because this date is the 198th birthday of the town. Washington was established February 22, 1824. During the ceremony, Williams said representatives from the Bicentennial Committee had put a lot of time and effort into this project because of a shared love they hold for the county and its history, and that they were all excited about the unveiling of the first marker. He elaborated further in a short interview with SWARK.Today. "This is a conclusion of what one of our goals was: getting these out to the different communities," Williams said. "This marker is a good one to start with because Washington is one of the earlier towns of the county."

Hempstead County Judge Jerry Crane shared a few words during the ceremony regarding the importance of community events such as this. "We want to support our communities. We're going to go forward and see things grow," Crane said. "Things are going to get better. When you watch the news and see things going on on the world that are bad, we need to think positive and believe that it's going to get better."

The ceremony concluded with the unveiling of the marker, as well as a group photo of many individuals and groups who participated in the project. Refreshments were made available to guests, including a big cake (made by Picket Fence) with a birthday message for the city, plus Washington's new seal. Williams said the committee will make announcements soon about when the next marker will be placed and unveiled.
