Tue November 02, 2021

By Bren Yocom


Washington Vintage Dance Civil War Ball to be Held Saturday, November 6

Historic Washington State Park Historic War Ball
Washington Vintage Dance Civil War Ball to be Held Saturday, November 6

The Washington Vintage Dancers will be holding a Civil War Ball on Saturday evening November 6, 2021 at the WPA Gymnasium in Washington, Arkansas as part of the “Town in Conflict” Civil War Weekend at Historic Washington State Park. The evening festivities will begin at 7pm and end around 10pm. All are invited to attend. No dance experience is required for the event.  Group dances from the 18th and 19th centuries will be part of the evening.

During the Civil War, dances were a regular occurrence in Washington not only as a pastime to forget your worries, but also for raising money and materials to fund the local hospitals and orphaned families that had lost fathers and sons during the war. Hospitals were set up in the local churches of town that treated several sick soldiers that came through town throughout the Civil War.

Come and enjoy fellowship with friends and neighbors in the area. The event is family friendly and welcome to all who wish to attend. Admission is FREE. Refreshments will be provided at the event. Period dress or Sunday dress attire is requested for the event.

If you have any questions concerning the event itself call 870-703-8256 or email [email protected]. You can also find more about the book by following our facebook page at “Washington Vintage Dancers.” Come one come all!
