Tue August 16, 2022

By April Lovette

Watch Prescott City Council: New appointments of Parks Director and Parks Commission

The Prescott City Council met last night for their August meeting. The full meeting can be watched in the video above, but here are a few highlights.

In her report, Prescott Police Chief Ann Jordan introduced a new officer, Mae McKinnon, and gave her a warm welcome.

EDO Director Mary Godwin shared with council members during her report that the third bid for the Sidewalk Project was successful. The amount isĀ $230,769 and the project will get underway soon. She also shared that they received the drainage grant for issues around Hayes, 3rd, and Laurel, as well as finish paperwork for a parks grant for McRae City park. Godwin said house and yard cleanup would proceed now that they found available equipment to rent and that she would be consulting with City Attorney Vasser about options for some of the yards.

Mayor Oliver introduced Carlos Vanhook as the new Parks Director, appointed by the Parks Commission, and the council approved the appointment of Berry Marks to the Parks Commission as a replacement for Satarra Williams. Both men were given an enthusiastic introduction by Mayor Oliver.

During the Citizen Communication portion of the agenda, Jacob Brown addressed the council and asked if there was any news or info that could be shared about the high light bills and possible improvements in the near future. Mayor Oliver, Electric Operations Manager Larry Jones, and individual council members all shared with Brown what steps have been taken previously, as well as current actions underway, to address the issue.
