Sun December 24, 2023

By Press Release

"The greatest of these is love."  In writing to the Corinthian church Paul makes a radical claim.  He said "Faith, hope and Love these three will last.  But the greatest of these is Love."  ( I Corinthians 13)  It was a radical claim for their time and their circumstances, and it is a radical claim for ours.  On the Fourth Sunday of Advent we will light the candle that represents Love.  And how appropriate that Love should be the last candle we light on the Sunday just before Christmas Day.  For in fact, Christmas itself represents Love.  The radical love of God who sent His son to be born on earth to common people in a common place to show us the meaning of Love.  Jesus himself demonstrated through his words and his actions what Love looks like and how Love acts. What a wonderful gift to give someone else.  The gift of love, in our actions and our words.  And it is free!  May your life be filled with love during this Christmas season.