Welcome to Genealogy After Hours!
Arkansas State Archives/Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives invites you to sharpen your family history skills at this after-hours event. Whether new to genealogy or a long-time researcher, come learn how to get started, or learn more about the resources SARA has to offer for researching southwest Arkansas. Those new to genealogy should bring vital records information such as names, birth and death dates and places, and marriage dates and places for themselves, their parents, and grandparents to help with a starting point. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Melissa Nesbitt, Archival Manager of SARA, will assist those new to genealogy with tips on how to get started and will highlight materials available for southwest Arkansas at SARA.

Registration is required by June 21, 2024 and this event is limited to 15 people. Pizza will be served to attendees.
For more information, contact Melissa Nesbitt at [email protected] or (870) 983-2633.
Event is Friday, June 28, 2024, from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, check-in begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives, 201 Hwy 195 S., Washington, AR
