Wed February 02, 2022

By April Lovette

Westerman Blasts "America COMPETES Act"


to watch Westerman's speech on the house floor

Press Release

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Westerman spoke on the House floor against the misleadingly named "America COMPETES Act." See his remarks written in part below and his full speech in the video above.

"We are not facing an insignificant competition in our future. We are in a race of ideologies. The stakes are as high as they can be. We are literally in struggle for the future of Western civilization, of democracy, of representative government, of human rights and freedom. Mr. Speaker, this is not a matter of competing. It’s a must win scenario and, quite frankly, I’m aghast that this majority thinks we only need to compete. Losing is not an option. Our attitude must be to win. If we lose, humanity loses.

I believe freedom loving Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and people all across the world want America to win. I’m disappointed that the Speaker and this majority have once again dropped a massive bill that could and should be bipartisan, but instead is a cloak for failed 'Build Back Better' policies that lie dead in the Senate. Mr. Speaker, you and I have a rendezvous with destiny"
