Tue October 10, 2023

By Press Release

"Who Does God Love More?" By Daniel Bramlett
Does God hate gay people? No. But for us to ask that question is for us to look for an answer that doesn’t matter. God loves every piece of all of us. This is the message of the first part of the Gospel. This is why Jesus died for us: God loves us. There’s never been a question about this. Ever. God’s love for us isn’t dependent on our choices. He loves us because we are made in His image and for His glory.

I have a feeling the reason we’d even ask a question like “Does God love gay people” is because we are looking for a reason to not love them…or anyone involved in a lifestyle that we disagree with or one that makes us uncomfortable. If you believe God loves you, then you must also agree that God loves others. You know the things you’ve done and expect Him to forgive you. You must also extend that grace to others.

A better question to ask, one that is motivated by Scripture, is “Does God approve of the gay lifestyle?” That answer is without a doubt “No.” It’s not an emphatic “NO!” like some would expect it to be. It’s not any more emphatic than His disapproval of lying or cheating on your spouse. But the gay lifestyle does absolutely cross the line of God’s intended sexuality.

In the twisted culture we live in today, it’s hard for statements like these to be said and even harder for them to be heard. But they must be said. We must continue to make truth statements. The Bible demands it. We don’t adjust the truth per the culture. If we did allow for adjustments, we’d still be feeding people to the animals in arenas like the Coliseum. If it was permissible for us to adjust truth, there would be no reason for the Nazis to be punished for their crimes against the Jews. It would be allowable for us to eliminate the elderly, handicapped and terminally ill individuals. We would have permission to continue with the institution of slavery. All these culturally ill practices were stopped because believers demanded it. The enemy loves each of these practices and camouflages their presence today and still Christians continue to fight them.

We resist evil because we know better. God’s Word is Light and reveals the dark intentions of the enemy. The culture will always resist truth in any shape and form, but that cannot keep us from speaking it. Why should we make waves? Why should we keep speaking a truth that causes people to bristle and makes enemies everywhere we turn? Because truth will always set people free. We don’t speak it to hurt or make anyone uncomfortable. Shoot! It makes me uncomfortable to walk into a conversation and say something I know will be resisted! But I have to do that. I must! If I don’t, that person will continue in a lifestyle that is enslaving them. But if the truth is spoken, they have, possibly for the first time in their lives, the opportunity to step out of that darkness and into the Light.

I will continue to call the homosexual (and every one of its derivatives on the LGBTQ+ list) lifestyle sin not because of a political or heterosexual movement. I don’t call it sin to isolate my family from any perceived ill. I refuse to call it sin because of any discomfort that lifestyle may bring me. I will stand on the Word and continue to call homosexuality a sin because it is in direct confrontation to God’s basic human design. It is an exchange of His natural desires for a twisted sexual desire. It is often motivated by deep sexual pain in the individual’s past and that means it needs healing and restoration, not rejection and more hurt. It is my goal to show anyone involved in an LGBTQ+ label what real love is, not what the world or the culture or the media says it is, but what God has always said and shown it to be.

Real love is humble and kind. It’s sacrificial and full of compassion. It’s willing to lay my life (not the life of anyone else, but your own) down for the sake of another. It never keeps a tally of wrongs but always looks for the right. It’s not pushy or rude or arrogant. It will never love what God says is wrong and will always love what He says is right. Real love lasts.

The next time you are confronted with the gay agenda and are put off by something that is said or done, don’t resort to hate. Don’t reject someone else’s sin. Don’t choose to think that somehow their sin is greater than your own. Instead, love them. I know that can be incredibly difficult when the person is a member of your family who’s caused you immense amounts of pain. But the unconditional, turn your cheek love is the kind that’s always been offered to you by God. Give it back to those who hurt you; to those who are different than you; to those who reject you. And when you give it, pray for an opportunity to speak the truth about love to them. And do it again. And again. And again. You get the picture. We only have a short time here to show people Jesus. Let’s not let the culture wars give us fewer opportunities than we already have.
