Thu September 24, 2020

By Bren Yocom

YMS Student Election Goes Virtual

HOPE – The race for student council positions at Yerger Middle School has entered the virtual world.

YMS Principal Mike Radebaugh said not only has campaigning turned virtual this year, balloting will be based upon a Google form sent to all students.

“I wanted to include virtual students in student council, so I had the candidates create their own video,” Radebaugh said. “All students can participate; and, some candidates are virtual and some are onsite.”

The completed video compilation went out to teachers for play during advisory periods Sept. 24.

Four students are running for president, including Lynda Pacheco, Jared Salazar, Luna Almazon, and Jayden Johnson. Vice presidential candidates include Chloe Bittle and Leeann Ross. Jaquarrius Burton is the only candidate for student council secretary; and JaKari Johnson is the only candidate for eighth grade representative, while A’mauria Neal is the sole seventh grade representative candidate.

“I’m very proud of those who took the step to make a video and campaign this year,” Radebaugh said.

Students are to complete and return Google form ballots by Sept. 28.
