Wed May 10, 2023

By Dillan Kelsey

Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Rhonda Wood Formally Announces Campaign for Chief Justice

Justice Rhonda Wood

Conway, AR – State Supreme Court Justice Rhonda Wood of Conway announced today that she is running for Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in 2024. 

“From 2007 when I was first appointed to the trial bench by then Governor Mike Huckabee and through four elections by the people of Arkansas, I have consistently pledged to follow the rule of law and be a conservative, nonactivist jurist.  Now in my seventeenth year on the bench, I have a proven track record of making tough decisions in the face of immense pressure and always letting the constitution and the rule of law be my guide. I have always understood that Arkansas values a justice that doesn’t legislate from the bench.”

“The Chief Justice position is one that comes with immense responsibility, but also opportunity. I’m confident that I have the right experience and judicial temperament to serve in this important role.  As a Justice on the Arkansas Supreme Court, I have led countless judicial committees, task forces, and state-wide initiatives for the benefit of all Arkansans.  I have also demonstrated that I know how to work as a separate but equal partner with the other branches of government for our common goals.  I am the fiscal conservative our judiciary needs to monitor the more than fifty million dollars that flows through the Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts.  It’s critical that our court system serves the people of Arkansas effectively while being good stewards of the precious resources we’re allocated.  I would be honored to work with my fellow justices, judges, attorneys, and citizens as Chief Justice. As the only justice with both national training and certification in judicial Strategic Planning, I am uniquely qualified to lead our court as we prepare for the future of the Arkansas justice system.”

Justice Wood was first elected to the Arkansas Supreme Court in 2014 and reelected in 2022. She previously served on the Court of Appeals and as a circuit judge in the 20th Judicial District from 2007-12. She has served on almost ten Judicial Council committees, chairing many. She has served on Judicial Education for over fifteen years. She is the court’s liaison on Automation and has been their liaison to Court Reporters’ Board and Court Security. She was a nine-year delegate to the Arkansas Bar Association and served on the American Bar Association Appellate Judicial Education Committee for several years. She has chaired the Commission on Children, Youth, and Families since 2014. Wood served on the Advisory Council for the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas, the Child Welfare Advisory Panel, and Juvenile Justice Reform Board. 

She resides in Conway and is married to Dr. Michael Wood. They attend New Life Church of Conway and have four children.
